Kids Books with Audio!
Listen to an audio recording directly from a printed book.
No wi-fi, computer, tablet or phone is required. Instead an audio reader - attached to the front cover and controlled by a push button - allows your child to listen and read along.
- VOX Books are available at every open Library location.
- Titles include fiction and nonfiction in English and Spanish.
How do VOX Books Work?
- Listen to the story through the speaker in the VOX Reader, or plug in headphones.
- Turn the page when you hear the special "turn page" signal.
- Use the buttons on the VOX reader to Play/Pause and adjust the volume.
- VOX Books are checked out fully charged, and get 150 plays on a full charge. If the red light indicates the battery is runny low, the book can be recharged with a standard micro USB charger.
Borrow and Return
- VOX Books check out for 21 days.
- VOX Books can be placed on hold, renewed and returned in Library book drops like regular books.
Browse VOX Books
VOX Books Are a Fun Addition to Your Child's Reading
Following along in a book while being read to is one of the most important early literacy practices!
- Children learn which sounds make up words, how books work, and the connection between spoken language and written language.
- They also develop their vocabulary and thinking skills.