Resume and Job Search Resources
Events for Job Seekers
Online Job and Career Resources
Brainfuse JobNow
Get help building and reviewing your resume and cover letters and preparing for your job interview.
BrainFuse VetNow
Help with your transition to civilian employment.
Business Insights Essentials
Research company and industry profiles.
LinkedIn Learning
Unlimited access to 16,000 high-quality instructional videos.
Mango Languages
Includes over 60 language courses and English (ESL) materials for native speakers of 20+ languages.
O’Reilly eBooks
Over 60,000 eBooks and 30,000 hours of training videos on technology, programming and business.
Use Statista when you are looking for visually displayed statistics, and to add graphs to a presentation or project.
Transparent Language
Practice listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in over 100 languages, including American Sign Language.