Thanks for Supporting the Glencarlyn Library Garden!
Paul Nuhn, hardworking Master Gardener and one of the Glencarlyn Library Community Garden caretakers, shared the following after Autumnfest on Sunday, Sept. 30:
Our sincere thanks and gratitude go out to all those wonderful neighbors, friends, and the general public that came out to support your Library Garden. Your help will help us grow, and give us seed (ha ha) money to bring new ideas, designs and gardens to the Garden.
Over 200 people came to enjoy the gardens, take in the speakers and demonstrations, eat and drink wonderful treats made from the plants found in the gardens. Over 100 children also joined their parents buying up small pumpkins, gourds, and generally having a blast.
And our huge thanks go out to Paul and the rest of the Master Gardeners who do so much to make the Glencarlyn Branch Library Community Garden so wonderful!