Doc Features Images from Library’s 2012 DC Punk Exhibition
On Monday, Feb. 25, 2013 at 9 p.m., Maryland Public Television will premier a new documentary about “The Bayou: DC’s Killer Joint.”
The filmmakers used several images from DSI Archives including these two, which were featured last year in our DC Punk exhibit:
Want to see more? Visit our DC Punk collection on flickr.
Watch the trailer, and read more about the film:
“What do baseball Hall of Famer Mickey Mantle and Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant have in common? Both were thrown out of The Bayou.
A decade since the last lusty notes stroked the irreverent, iconic Georgetown music hall, tales and echoes linger. Metro Teleproductions Inc. has gathered them in full and has begun post-production on an 80-minute documentary titled The Bayou: DC’s Killer Joint.
From murder to redemption, from jazz to rock and roll, from striptease to Kiss, from Mister T to misadventure, from business-as-usual to anything-goes, the documentary, like The Bayou itself, will arouse the senses.
The Georgetown club, once an after-hours joint called The Hideaway, had been shuttered and left for dead after a late-night mob hit in 1953. Renamed and resuscitated by new owners Vince and Tony Tramonte and, for a time, partner Mike Munley, The Bayou would become Washington’s bedrock music hall, offering a heady mix of national and regional stars of varied genres.”
Read more on “The Bayou: DC’s Killer Joint” website.