You’ve probably heard that “The Fault in Our Stars” movie opens this Friday…
But have you noticed the (well deserved) hubbub surrounding YA author John Green?
And do you scratch your heard when you see references to the Vlogbrothers, nerdfighters, D.F.T.B.A., and T.F.I.O.S.?
Luckily, Margaret Talbot’s excellent article in The New Yorker magazine, “The Teen Whisperer: How the author of “The Fault in Our Stars” built an ardent army of fans,” is here to explain everything:
“Green, now thirty-six, is thin and tall, with light-brown hair that shifts around like a haystack in a stiff wind; he often rakes his hands through it, causing random clumps to stand up straight. He has the charm of the middle-school teacher you secretly thought was cute, but he is no match for Elgort, the twenty-year-old who plays Hazel’s romantic interest, Augustus Waters [in “The Fault in Our Stars”]. I attended a preview of the movie in Manhattan this spring. Thousands of fans had lined up for free tickets, and, after the screening, they screamed when Elgort strode down the aisle for a Q. & A. But they screamed louder for Green. “We love you, John!” they called out. When Green told the crowd that, though he was proud of the movie, it wasn’t his movie, someone shouted, “But it’s your plot, John!”—which marked the first time I’d ever heard heckling about the nature of authorship… “
So go ahead and read the whole article – we promise you’ll enjoy it. And most important, D.F.T.B.A.