Send Your Materials, Help Tell Arlington's Story of the Pandemic
The Charlie Clark Center for Local History (CCCLH) seeks community donations of everyday materials and objects to help document an extraordinary period in our history.
Tell us what you observed, experienced and felt during this unprecedented time.
It has been said that “all history is local” and your experiences and the material you are creating in the present will help inform how our history is told and remembered in the future. As a Community Archives we want to ensure that this material is preserved.

Who Should Submit
Arlington's history will rely on the stories of:
- Individuals
- Local businesses
- Government agencies
- Schools
- Health care agencies
- Civic associations
- Other community organizations
What to Submit for Donation
Donations may include anything that illustrates how life has been affected and altered by the pandemic.
Examples of what to submit:
- Photographs of your neighborhood, including signs or temporary artwork
- Personal papers such as diaries, journals, notes, lists
- School lesson plans, notes from teachers, special online activities for students
- Revised restaurant menus for pick-up, notification of special hours
- Meeting notes from civic associations, etc., on how to support neighbors
- Planning meeting notes/minutes from health care providers on best strategies to manage the needs of the community
What not to submit:
- We are not collecting newspaper articles, newscasts, or materials documenting life unconnected to Arlington.
Any contact information you provide will not be made public, and will only be used to contact you with questions about your submission, if needed.
Submit Your Donation
Digital materials can be submitted online. Most file types accepted.
By Mail
Mail physical materials
(11" x 11" or smaller)
to: Arlington Public Library
1015 N. Quincy St.
Arlington VA 22201
Include a donation form in ONE of these ways:
- Fill out the online donation form and indicate that your submission will arrive by mail
- Print a copy of the donation form, complete and sign it, and enclose it with your mailed submission.
- Hand-write the same information on a piece of paper, sign the paper, and enclose it with your mailed submission.
All submissions are donations to the Charlie Clark Center for Local History and will not be returned.
These submissions will help paint a picture of Arlington during a period of difficulty and struggle - but also of resilience and hope. And with your help the picture will be more complete and more detailed.
If you have questions please read our COVID-19 Archives Project FAQ page, or contact the Charlie Clark Center for Local History at