Kids Books with Audio!
VOX Books enable children to listen to an audio recording directly from a printed book.
No wi-fi, computer, tablet or phone is required. Instead an audio reader - attached to the front cover and controlled by a push button - allows your child to listen and read along.
VOX Books combine outstanding picture books and non-fiction with audio recordings that capture children’s attention and make learning and literacy development fun.
How do VOX Books Work?
- Listen to the story through the speaker in the VOX Reader, or plug in headphones.
- Turn the page when you hear the special "turn page" signal.
- Use the buttons on the VOX reader to Play/Pause and adjust the volume.
- VOX Books are checked out fully charged, and get 150 plays on a full charge. If the red light indicates the battery is runny low, the book can be recharged with a standard micro USB charger.
Where can You Find VOX Books?
VOX Books are available at every open Library location. Titles include fiction and nonfiction in English and Spanish.
VOX Books:
- Can be placed on hold
- Check out for 21 days
- Can be renewed if they are not on hold for another patron.
- Can be returned in Library book drops.
VOX Books - A Fun Addition to Your Child's Reading!
Did you know that following along in a book while being read to is one of the most important early literacy practices? Children learn which sounds make up words, how books work, and the connection between spoken language and written language. They also develop their vocabulary and thinking skills.