This Character May Help You Beat All the Other Spies at the Ball
You’ll find the answer to Clue 11 in the answers to Clues 1-10. Don’t remember them? We’ll recap:
- Clue 1: venonA project
- Clue 2: ramon gaRcia
- Clue 3: the illEgals program
- Clue 4: aUton and Dunlop
- Clue 5: agent 123 and aGent 202
- Clue 6: Fort upton
- Clue 7: the peNtagon
- Cule 8: aldricH ames
- Clue 9: Deep throaT
- Clue 10: vladimIr ismaylov
Eleventh Clue Rules:
- Don’t submit your answer online
- Do hang onto your answer, and bring it to the Lit Up Ball, on Saturday, Oct. 18 at Artisphere.
We look forward to seeing you at The Lit Up Ball!
All proceeds from the Lit Up Ball support the Library’s early literacy program, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten.