Winston Churchill said “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” But even though perfection is always our ideal, we don’t make big changes to the Library website too often. They can be distracting, and user adjustment takes time. So we’ve been saving a number of your suggestions (along with other things we wanted to improve) and have finally given the site a somewhat new look and feel.
Improvement is our goal. We hope it’s nothing too jarring, just a cleaner approach to finding what you need from the Library and its website.
What have we changed? Many redundancies are gone and we’ve stripped away some of the “architecture” that sent users on unwanted trips to the County government pages. The search feature should be easier for finding things in the catalog and on the website itself. And we’ve made Library news more prominent on the homepage so you won’t miss any new services and events.
PLEASE NOTE: Many users employ bookmarks to take them directly to parts of the site. Unfortunately, to improve the site we’ve had to switch to some new URLs (the alphabet soup toward the top of your browser beginning with http://www…). We encourage you to take a few moments to update any bookmarks and apologize for the inconvenience. The new URL for the website is
And as user comments have inspired much of our evolving website, we hope you’ll keep sending us your friendly and useful insights. Feel free to use the comments link below or find us through our contact page.
Thank you for your understanding as we work to improve our site. It may not be perfect—yet—but we hope we’re getting closer.
I very much like the new Web site look. It's crisk and clean and easier to use. Thanks to all concerned.
The home page look very nice. I spent some time exploring. Sorry to be loosing a day at Shirlington but do understand. One suggestion: What's New section where you have the covers of various gendre, could you add the new ebooks and the new books on CD (you are still getting them I hope!!!)Where you have "Comment as" in this section, I don't know what the various selections mean, except for "Anonymous" of course so that's what i chose.
The new website it terribly difficult to use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!