Mysteries are always flying off Arlington Public Library shelves…
But we’re stuck with a real one we can’t solve alone.
A recent contribution of material for the Friends of the Library book sale contained something of significant value that the donor mistakenly included and would no doubt want back.
Sorry but for reasons of verification, we can’t provide more clues.
If you think you might be or know our mystery donor, please call Central Library Manager Margaret Brown at 703-228-5952 to discuss what was lost.
And while everyone loves to solve a good puzzle, no wild guesses please.
I understand the need to not give out too many details, but it seems possible that the donor isn’t even aware that the item is valuable. You may need to give a little more info so that the person himself/herself might have a clue. For example tell us when the item was donated, or something like that.
OK, it’s safe to say that “recent” means this month. Thanks for the interest.
That may not be enough…how about the title of the book that the treasure was found in?
I agree with another comment. The owner does not know whatever it was is valuable. What if the person did not know it was even in the box or book? If flat and in a book, the item belonged to parents or grandparents now dead. I hope there are signs up in the branch where the item came in mentioning this mystery.
I think you need to give a clue as to the item. The downer might not realize that it is missing.
As a clue–why not identify something of minor value that accompanied the donation with the valuable item? A notice could be published in library and on-line.
Was this ever solved? I am on the website several times a week and this is the first I have ever noticed this request, so I am shocked to see it is from December! Is it too late to include the title(s) of accompanying books so that we might know. I have lost a few things in the past six months and also donated just a few books, but as I live two blocks away, and pass the library often on my way to other errands, further information would be useful.