Even When You’re the Stuff of History, You Can Still Make Today’s Paper
In this week’s news…
March 19, 2013
Check out what the Washington Post’s KidsPost page had to say about the Library’s new American Girl Doll Lending Program, and how they let the Washington area know about the fun American Girl Doll events taking place around the Library system.
Wow! What a great time we had on Saturday, 3/23/13 @ Columbia Pike Lib. during the American Girl intro. “It was awesome!”, commented my 9 year old twin girls. “We were able to see our friends & their American Girls” & Ms. Desiree was so much fun, she let us make Mardi Gras masks after meeting Cécile Rey from New Orleans during 1853.”
This short program was such a hit, many parents commented on what a great idea it would be to form an “American Girl Club”. Allowing the girls to get together & talk about the books & maybe even read together or to each other.
Maybe we can get the girls to bring their dolls to the lib. & leave them over night. The girls can pick up pictures of the dolls reading books, searching for books, on the computer, & maybe having ice cream.
This was a great time had by all! Can’t wait for the next time!
So who is responsible for cleaning the dolls and germ proofing them after each use? Not a good idea to spread germs and peras even disease.
Thanks for asking, Ellen.
The Library’s Materials Management Division has developed a plan for thoroughly cleaning each doll and accessories every time one is returned.
Considering the library doesn’t nor should it bother sanitizing every book, computer, DVD or cd, I think that I’d rather overkill. Nothing your kids touch at school has been sanitized. If you’re paranoid, sanitize your dolls and books at pickup perhaps.