Plug into the first Energy Lending Library in the Country.
The collection includes thermal imaging cameras, energy meters and books that will help residents identify areas of energy waste in their homes and provide real solutions.
The Energy Lending Library, launching on Earth Day, Friday, April 22, is the latest step toward achieving the goals of the Community Energy Plan, adopted three years ago to enhance Arlington’s economic competitiveness, ensure reliable and affordable energy supplies and demonstrate the County’s long-term commitment to environmental responsibility.
Use Knowledge to Take Action
- Thermal imaging cameras see what your eyes can’t. They help identify hot and cold spots in the home, indicating where insulation is missing and where air leaks occur.
- Energy meters show exactly how much electricity appliances and electronics consume. Understanding energy use in the home is the first step to taking action toward a “greener” home.
- The curated booklist offers energy saving tips and will help residents complete “do-it-yourself” projects to save energy and money to make homes more comfortable. The list also includes some Spanish titles.
The Energy Lending Library was created by the Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy (AIRE) in partnership with Arlington Public Library, and is available for free to anyone with a library card.
Read more on the official Arlington County News Release, Arlington Gives Earth Day Launch to Nation’s First Energy Lending Library.
I am so proud to have this offering at Arlington County Public Library. It’s a very good idea that helps serve the community. Keep up the good work Arlington! I plan on borrowing it to fix my leaky 1930’s era home.