Phase Two News
Behind the scenes on the second floor, work has begun on our new multi-purpose technology and maker lab, as well as redesigned public PC stations.

First Floor Update
The Friends Books Store is now open for business. Look for news about a Grand Opening Celebration coming soon from the Friends of the Arlington Public Library.

Second Floor Update
The old Ask-A-Librarian desk has been removed, and we are currently offering reference services from a temporary desk at the top of the stairs (next to the audiobooks). The old desk has been relocated to its new home at the Columbia Pike Branch Library.
A temporary Computer Help Desk is now located in the temporary public computer area, where the Ask-A-Librarian desk used to be.
During Phase Two, we continue to offer a reduced number of public computers at Central Library. During this time, we recommend visiting other Library locations if you need to use a computer for an extended period of time.
A question: Is OCR software available on any public computer in the system?
Is Adobe to Microsoft Word available?
We do have Microsoft Word on all of our public computers. You can find a complete list of software, hardware and accessibility assistance on our Computers for Public Use page.