Cook Up a Tasty Tome!
Submission deadline: Tuesday, Dec. 29, 11:59 p.m.

Prizes will be awarded for best edible books made by Adults, Teens and Kid/Family creators.
The Cookie Bookie Contest is an edible book contest, which means the submissions are made from edible ingredients and take inspiration from a book or author. They can be a book title pun, book cover reproduction, or a reference to a book character or to books in general. Examples include decorating a cookie like your favorite character or making a book cover out of a pie crust.
Looking for decorating ideas? Join us for:
- Cookie Bookie Decorating - Monday, Dec. 21, 2-3 p.m. (Online, registration required)
Submission Guidelines
Submissions will be judged by their visual appearance and will not be tasted (much to the librarians' disappointment).
- Submit a photo of your edible book (.jpg or .png) using the form at the bottom of this page. Name your file: Firstname_Lastname.format.
- Submissions will be reviewed by a committee of Library staff.
- Anyone within the Library community may submit. You do not need to be an Arlington resident to participate.
- By submitting a photo of your edible book, you grant the Library the right to publish that photo on the Library website, social media and in marketing materials. Ownership rights of your original photo remain with you, the creator.
- All work is subject to Arlington County and Arlington Public Library standards of conduct.
- Submitting work does not guarantee publication.
Submit Your Entry
By uploading my information to this form, I give the Arlington Public Library permission to publish my first name and photo (if included) on Library social media, the Library website and promotional materials. Though published by Arlington Public Library, ownership rights of the original work will remain with the creator. Not all submissions will be published.