Prom Season at Bishop O’Connell
Did you go to your high school prom? Do you remember what you wore?
A Coffee Shop’s Many Faces
Do the roof line and windows of this buildings look familiar?
Edmond C. Fleet, Community Swimming Pool Supporter
Co-founder of the Veteran’s Memorial Branch of the YMCA.
1945: The Arlington War Memorial Association Plans a “Living Memorial”
Living memorials were a popular concept after World War II.
The Unusual History of the Washington Nationals
The Washington area may have a fraught history when it comes to baseball teams, but that has not stopped us from cheering on the local team!
Green Valley Pharmacy
Established in 1952, the Green Valley Pharmacy is the first (and only) pharmacy and lunch counter in Arlington that would serve African American patrons during the Jim Crow era.
Cub Scout Pack 589 and Ernest Johnson
Cub Scout Pack #589 was Arlington’s first African American Cub Scout Pack, established in 1952 and founded by Ernest Johnson.
George Melvin Richardson
In this photo, a group of late 1950s/early 1960s Hoffman-Boston high school students examine a relic on display at the Museum of Natural History.
Rosslyn in the 1960s
Do you remember Rosslyn Ten Pin Bowl or A & H Plumbing Supply CORP.?
Where Were These Photos Taken?
Can you guess the location of these images? We’ll give you a few clues…

Central Library, First Floor
1015 North Quincy Street
Arlington VA 22201