Learn How to Get the Most Out of Your Library Account!
Log into your account to place and manage holds, view your checked out items and their due dates, view your digital library card, change your account settings, submit library materials suggestions, and pay fines. Create personal lists to track your interests, review your previously checked out items, and rate and review library materials to receive personalized catalog recommendations for future reading and watching.
Download the Library App for iOS and Android to put the catalog and multiple account management at your fingertips.
Visit the library within 30 days of expiration with ID and proof of local address to verify your account. You may or may not be issued a new plastic library card and new library card number, depending on the age of your card.
If you applied for your library card online, you received a temporary card number for your library account. Visit any open library location within 30 days with ID and proof of local address to verify your account. You will receive a plastic library card and new library card number at that time.
If you have an issue with your account expiration please use this form to tell us about it.
You can reset your password in the Library catalog.
If you do not get a password reset email within 5 minutes, please contact us during open hours.
Find your library card number if you know your username and password:
- Option 1 – Download the Library App and add your account using your username and password. The App provides a digital Library card with your card number, which can be used to check items out.
- Option 2 – Log into your Library Account with your username and password, and your library card number is under Account Settings.
Find your library card number if you don’t know your username:
- Search your inbox for emails from sender “notices@library-arlingtonva.us.” These emails will show your card number.
If none of these options work, please contact us.
Your username is set by default and will appear on hold slips and can also be used to log into your Library account and some eResources in place of your card number.
If you have never selected a username, the default username is your name: FirstMiddle.Last or First.Last.
To update your username, log into your Library Account with your library card number and password. Your username is under Account Settings > My Preferences.
Usernames must be between 6 and 25 characters (letters and number only, no special characters).
As soon as you get your library card number, you can access eBooks/eAudiobooks, digital magazines, article databases and most online resources, and place holds on items in the library catalog.
Visit the library within 30 days with proof of identification and local address to verify your account. You will not be allowed to pick up holds or use self-check at the Library, or use LinkedIn Learning online, until your account has been verified.
The library sends email notices for Holds, Checkouts, Renewals, Due Date Reminders, Overdue items and Library Card Renewal from the notices@library-arlingtonva.us address. You can also opt in to receive some notices by text and via the Library App.
The Library sends regular email newsletters about library collections, services and programs from the no-reply@messages-arlingtonva.us address.
If you use apps from Library vendors such as OverDrive/Libby, you may also receive emails about your library materials and account status from those vendors.
You can freeze items on hold in your Library account and the Library App. A frozen hold will continue to move up in the queue and will not activate until thawed. If the hold reaches #1, it will remain there until you unfreeze it.
Holds can’t be frozen when items are Ready for Pickup in your account or are In Transit to fill your hold.
In person – Use cash or credit/debit at any Library location.
Online – Log into your Library account and go to Fines and Messages.
By Mail – Send payment by check or money order (payable to Treasurer of Arlington County) and include library card number.
Address mail to:
Central Library
Attention: Circulation
1015 N. Quincy St
Arlington, VA 22201
Daily library overdue fees were eliminated in the FY21 Arlington County Budget. No new daily overdue fees will accrue after July 1, 2020. Overdue fees of $ .30 per day, with a maximum overdue fee of $9.00 per item, charged before July 1, 2020 remain due on library accounts. Lost material fees and other service fees still apply.